Until then, my friend..

What a spoiled brat!

Itu kesan pertama gw ketika kenal dengan anak ini…

 Moody, pushy ketika ada hal yang di-pengen-in,  spend money like there’s no tomorrow, questioning the existence of God. Itu hal yang melintas di pikiran gw kalo sedang ngobrol sama nih anak.

 Except the two former ‘qualifications’ I mentioned above, we didn’t have much sameness… I never think I’d be able to handle this kid!  

 Let me tell you just 3 story of my interaction with this kid.

Just 3.


First, It’s about teaming up with this kid

Di suatu sore, di akhir pengumuman Tugas Besar I pemrograman, sang dosen berkata, bahwa kita boleh memilih sendiri anggota kelompok sesuai keinginan kita. At that time, I was all alone, questioning why the hell I was in Informatics Engineering. Damn I hate this class, and all the people on this class who ‘adore’ programming. Fuck you life!

And there he is…

‘Vid, mau sekelompok bareng kita ngga?’


I still remember vividly in my mind, even until today I write this post…I still remember the voice, the gesture, and a little grin on his face when he asked me the very first time we interact.

 Gw ga pernah tau siapa itu ‘Kaisar Siregar’, kecuali 1x 2x gw pernah membaca namanya di daftar nama yang sering ditemplokkan di daftar nama pengumuman. What a ‘majestic’ name,  I wonder…

 Meeting tugas besar 1, dilaksanakan di rumah salah seorang anggota kelompok, di Cisitu.

There he came, suddenly he said:

 Nih, gw udah buat fungsi-fungsi untuk aritmatik dasar…

damn it, how come he did it so fast? it’s been only 2-3 days after the spec came out, dude! Itu yang pertama terlintas di pikiran gw.

 Singkat cerita, kelompok kita satu-satunya yang menggunakan list, instead of tree, untuk menyelesaikan tugas itu.


Apa yang gw lakukan di tim itu? I ain’t do nothing. Gw ga memberi kontribusi lebih. I usually became a dependable guy on a team, but what did I do in that team? I ain’t do nothing…


Dan itu sudah menjadi ‘kebiasaan’, setiap kali gw teaming up dengan anak ini. 2 kali lagi, tepatnya.

Tugas Intelegensia Buatan, dan Kerja Praktek di Balicamp.


Semua berakhir dengan gw berkontribusi minim…

 In the end I have a conclusion


I couldn’t outperform this kid…


This kid can deliver any kind of task, no matter how difficult it is.

He didn’t sleep that much… demi menyelesaikan tugas-tugas yang diberikan. Apapun.

 Hanya ada 2 buah tim yang membuat gw tenang dalam mengerjakan apapun. Sangking  tenangnya, cenderung nyampah. salah satunya adalah, ketika anak ini ada di list tim member.

 He is such a dependable kid.


Perfection to the ultimate sophistication.


Secretly, I envy his hardworkship and his dedication.



Second story is about being competitive.


Do you think we are friend? Not quite right. We compete. So. Many. Times.


Imagine Cup 2010. I and my team decided to compete. Once again.

Being the ‘experienced player’ at such competition, we tried our best to win the competition.

But there he was, with his own team.


Tim kami udah bekerja keras untuk project imagine cup 2010. I tried to keep my head calm, because we’ve done this before, and bla bla bla.


Deep down inside, I knew. I worried.

Because this kid is on another team.

Because I know, this kid will work like crazy, working hard 2 times, 3 times, even more.

Determinasi tinggi. Didukung dengan kemampuan yang memang dia miliki, dia memang punya kualitas yang ‘berbeda’ dari orang kebanyakan.


di game DoTA?

Oh, anak ini seneng banget sama DoTA. Gw juga.

In fact, karena sama-sama  ga bisa main Gun Bound, gw seneng kalo dia udah dateng ke MIC, tempat dulu mangkal main DoTA di kampus tercinta. Dia bakal pushy banget sama orang2 yang sering membelot main gunbound, untuk main DoTA saja.


Ga terhitung berapa kali kita main DoTA bersama. as an ally or as enemy.

Di kampus,

Di Balicamp… Baturiti, tempat KP dulu.

Dan pas gw di Jepang, dia di Belanda, lewat DoTA 2


Kalo kalah, dia jadi moody banget. Marah-marah sendiri. Akhirnya melakukan hal bodoh, seperti maju sendiri ke sarang musuh, padahal temennya pada balik ke markas.


Gw akhirnya ngerti. Sikapnya yang moody & pushy, bukanlah karena dia anak manja. Tapi itu semua karena dia punya ekspektasi yang tinggi terhadap dirinya, dan dia memang bisa & mampu mencapai ekspektasi itu, walau kadang shit happened dan menjegal jalan.


Sikap moody dan pushy itu, adalah tanda bahwa dia memang punya passion dan dedikasi tinggi terhadap hal yang ingin dia capai.


Damn it, I’m gonna miss his competitiveness…



Third story, it’s about live life to the fullest


Gw bukan big spender. It’s very difficult for me to spend money for leisure.

Kadang malah hal itu membuat gw mengorbankan kenyamanan standar, gara2 sikap irit cenderung pelit itu.


Not with this kid. He is big spender! Anak ini ga ragu2 menyebar lembaran merah gambar Soekarno untuk hal-hal gila.


Dan gw jg akhirnya menjadi big spender gara2 anak ini.


Dalam hal apa dia merogoh kocek?



Anak ini pemakan segalanya, dan nggak ragu merogoh kocek lebih dalem demi menikmati makanan kolesterol tinggi.

Tentu orang-orang tau popcorn legendaris dari filipin itu.

Makanan olahan dari kambing? checked.


Kita bahkan pernah janjian, umur 50, bakal reserve ranjang sebelahan, di RS pertamina, untuk kateter jantung, gara2 makan makanan kolesterol tinggi terus menerus.


Leisure Activities

KP di Bali. Senin sampe Jumat paling habis 50 ribu buat makan, gara2 kita memang KP di gunung terpencil. Sabtu Minggu? Don’t ask!


Naik wahana ketapel di Kuta. This kid is afraid of height, but he’s the one who asked me to accompany him.

Challenging his own fear.


I learnt. A lot. From this kid. About how to live life to the fullest. That life is not only about work, achieve, work harder, achieve higher, bla bla…


But there is time you need to give yourself time to replenish the stamina.


So that you don’t feel burn out after all those damn bitchslap works


So that you live life to the fullest, you won’t regret anything when your time is up.


I’m kinda regret it, We didn’t play DoTA2 as much as we can..


that I didn’t accompany you the whole time when you visited me 1 year ago in Osaka, had I known that it’s our last time we’re gonna meet face to face.


Our crazy skype time, teasing each other.


But 1 thing I know, you have no regret. You live life to the fullest.


Mann, I’m gonna miss all the good & crazy time we spent together


So long comrade, until next time we meet again at the next ‘intersection’.


You are fuckin awesome, kid. Too awesome for this cruel world.



King Kaisar. That’s the least I can do to remember the old good times. Here you go, bro.




Rest In Peace, Kaisar Siregar (1989-2013)



3 comments on “Until then, my friend..

  1. Ping-balik: Catatan Bersama Kaisar Siregar | limaapril

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