
Hari ini gw br nonton pelem… just another saturday with folks… dan pelem itu berjudul “Mongol”

menceritakan temujin… the greatest leader of mongolian…. wew…

tenang2… ga bakal spoiler… cuma ada satu hal yang menarik perhatian gw… yaitu tseng-ri…

Selama gw ngeblog… gw baru nyadar… ga pernah sekalipun gw ngebahas kehidupan religius gw… huhu…

yap… even temudjin aka jengis khan has his own God…. dan tiap kali dia berada dalam kesusahan, atau sebelum dia melakukan sesuatu… temudjin akan berdoa meminta tseng-ri… atau dewa petir, untuk ngebantu mendukung dia…

yang ini gw stuju banget… di final warnya (yak… spoiler dah akhirnya.. hoho) di filmnya.. ngelawan jamukha… langit langsung gelap… petir sambar menyambar man!!! FYI, orang mongol tuh paling takut ama petir…. cuma si jengis khan ini yang berani…. adegan ini ngebuat gw merinding…. seakan-akan tseng-ri bener2 ngebantu jengis khan… wow… that’s amazing dude…

and I trust Jesus that lead my life… yep… gw emang bukan seorang yang sangat relijius… tap gw percaya ama The Almighty Jesus… dan kalo yang ini… gw percaya dia Allah yang hidup… yang nyata perbuatannya…

berdoa emang jadi kekuatan yang tidak terelakkan lagi… dan gw mengakui hal itu… every great man must have faith on God… I believe that… lagi-lagi pengalaman gw yang membuktikan hal itu…

“Ketika dua tiga orang berkumpul dan berdoa, maka Tuhan Allahmu akan mendengarkan dan mengabulkan permohonanmu”

that’s that God… karena cuma Dia yang selalu ada dan mengetahui seluruh kehidupanku… kesemuanya…

Just In Case…

Once upon a time, we talked so much on that balcony…

You were right beside me, staring at the same lovely sight… Dark sky, city of light…

My bad, now I have to come there by myself…

But, it’s still the very same place… and I stand right in the very same spot…

The sight is still beautiful, just in case you wanna see…

The air is still fresh, just in case you wanna feel…

The wood is still smooth, just in case you wanna touch…

Yes, I miss those moments… I admit it…

Do you remember those times?

Do you miss those moments?

Will you be by my side… again?


The heart is still the same… just in case you wanna know…

Sierra, October 2nd 2008

How does she know that you.. love her ?

How does she know that you love her?

how do you show her you love her?

How does she know that you really truly love her?

it’s not enough to take the one you love for granted..
you must remind her or she’ll inclined to say…

how do i know he loves me?
how do i know he’s mine?

does he leave a little note to tell you, you’re on his mind?
send you a flowers when the sky is gray?
he’ll find a new way to show you, a little bit everyday…
that’s how you know, he’s your love…

you got to show her you need her..
don’t treat her like a mind reader..
each day do something to lead her to believe you love her

everybody wants to live happily ever after
everybody wants to know their true love is true

how do you know, he loves you?
how do you know, he’s yours?

does he take you out dancing just so he can hold you close?
dedicate a song with words meant just for you?
he’ll find a way his own way to tell you
with a little thing he’ll do
that’s how you know
he’s your love…

that’s how you know
he loves you
that’s how you know
it’s true

because he’ll wear your favorite colour
just so he can match your eyes
plan a private picnic
by the fire’s glow

his heart will be yours forever
something everyday will show
that’s how you know
he’s your love

that’s how you know

that’s how she knows that you love her
that’s how you show her you love her…


right now.. i’m trying so hard to set all things

so that sumday we’ll live happily ever after

i promise..

have faith in me…

the distance, the time we can’t share together… will change into A whole new world

hope you won’t regret =)